Protecting You & Your World, Giving you Peace of Mind.

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Own your home ?

If you own your home it is likely to be your largest asset and as such you should make sure that you have it properly protected. It is important to make sure you have enough cover and that you fully understand the policies features and benefits as well as the exclusions and limitations.

Many people just tap their details into a comparison website and take the cheapest policy that comes up or maybe the next one down on the list thinking that one is a bit better, the truth is that although price is a factor it certainly should not dictate the policy you choose.

We factor in your exact requirements based on your property and your belongings within and compare the features, benefits, exclusions and limitations on your behalf from a range of insurers. We then present you with our findings and if you wish, place the policy on risk for you.

Been insured for a year or more ?

Don’t just accept your renewal price – we can probably save you money !

Rent your home ?

If you rent your home then you should consider insuring the contents of your home, your landlord should have Buildings Insurance as they are responsible for the building its self. You can insure your possessions against loss, from Theft, Fire and accidental damage even those which you take away from your home.

We can find the right policy for you at the right price. Give us a call and we will assess your situation and find the best policy to suit your needs.

Renting your home to others ?

If you rent out one or more properties you will need Landlords Insurance which you can read about here


We are here to help you with...


Financing your property purchase.

Protection Insurance

Protecting you and your families financial future.

Home Insurance

Protecting your property and your possessions.

We'll also be happy to advise you about other types of insurances:

If you didn’t find the insurance you were looking for in our selection…

We’re sure that we’ll be able to help you with our wide experience.